Joulina K.A.

2017 Grey Mare


♂ Equiborn K.A. ♂ QR Marc ♂ Marwan Al Shaqab ♂ Gazal Al Shaqab
♀ Little Liza Fame
♀ Swete Dreams ♂ Magic Dream Cahr
♀ Kouream De Ment
♀ Espadrilla ♂ Monogramm ♂ Negatraz
♀ Monogramma
♀ Emanacja ♂ Eukaliptus
♀ Emigracja
♀ Joumalia Nautiac ♂ Marajj ♂ Marwan Al Shaqab ♂ Gazal Al Shaqab
♀ Little Liza Fame
♀ RGA Kouress ♂ Kouvay Bey
♀ Angophora
♀ Jalicia De Nautiac ♂ WH Justice ♂ Magnum Psyche
♀ Vona Sher-Renea
♀ Shafali De Nautiac ♂ Abakan
♀ Hanoa
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